
This site is a personal space where I share with the world my ongoing journey.

This platform was originally set up as an academic area to put my PhD materials on, but it soon expanded into other contexts: art, writing, politics, cultural critiques, and projects with and without technology.

However, all connected aspects will be seen here because my life shifts between art, technology and social change.


  1. Hi, It is possible that a guy called Nick (who might be one of your tutors if I have listened carefully and got my facts right) who is a friend of a friend, may approach you about this, but..
    I’m Aggie. I am a Member of Braziers Park, I convene their education programme and due to dredging up some old history about a meeting (http://antihistory.org/post/21790939497/sigma-meeting-at-braziers-park-1964) of the Lang/Trocchi anti-university/anti-psychiatry movement that happened at Braziers 50 years ago, We are looking for tutors to make something happen on the first weekend of July this year that could both suffice as a fitting anniversary and hopefully be a springboard towards becoming a venue for a spontaneous university; if that is not an oxymoron. Anyway, see below…

    Tutors wanted for spontaneous university event – ‘Sigma’ – July 4/5/6th 2014 Braziers Park, Oxfordshire

    “How to begin? At a chosen moment in a vacant country house (mill, abbey, church or castle) not too far from the City of London, we shall foment a kind of cultural “jam session”: out of this will evolve the prototype of our spontaneous university.” Alexander Trocchi,1964

    The country house was Braziers, the date 3-5 July 1964. It happened. It appeared to have been a nicotine fuelled, fractious, male dominated gathering that achieved very little. John Latham defaced our drawing room wall with an artwork we now wish had been left in situ and life moved slowly on within Braziers’ estate, and slightly faster outside.

    Some four or so years ago, through the efforts of one of our Members, a few minutes of film of the event was bought to our attention. In October of last year, the Million Minds weekend at Braziers attracted people who had been at or had interest in, the Sigma event and the Dialectics of Liberation International Congress July 1967.

    On the weekend of July 4/5/6th 2014 we will try to move from the ‘jam session’ to the spontaneous university. We plan to free ourselves from the modern ills of higher education, criticised as no longer the ivory towers of learning, but business driven factories of unthinking worker bees, constrained by target, not learner, led pathways, and move into the unknown. An arts and literature based series of master classes with artists and writers.

    To this end we are soliciting would-be tutors to offer workshops, from 1 1/2hr to all weekend on a subject of their expertise within the broad thesis of arts and literature. We offer no payment, but reasonable expenses will be met and complimentary board and lodgings for the weekend. Offers can be as far outside the establishment box as you would like to take it! A brief synopsis to me by the first of June please; surprise and delight us!

    Aggie Forster, Education Convenor, Braziers Park

    1. Hi Aggie,

      Thanks for contacting – I’m off to Denmark this week doing this below.

      Occupying art the DIWO way
      Workshops by Furtherfield @ Click festival

      Furtherfield’s workshop focuses on how to disrupt power systems and challenge their hierarchies, the Do It With Others (DIWO) way.

      Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett will explain how to unblock art, and unleash it from a psychic disposition that has been imposed by social breeding, laws and power systems. By seeing what the connections are between Hacktivism, Situationism, Media Art, Networked Art, alongside punk and DIY culture. We can see how others have found ways around these dominating power systems and managed to express their artistic contexts on their own and collective terms.

      Hall 14/Room 2
      Friday 16th of May

      Other workshops at the Click festival.

      At Clicks workshops you get to participate in experiments that explore the intersection between technology, science, art and music. The workshop programme is playful and experimental and has a natural connection to the overall theme D.I.W.O. – Do It With Others, being collaborative and collective. All workshops are free.

      More about the Click festival – 15-17 May 2014

      Will contact 🙂

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